“A New Kind of Church”

The above quote is found on an ad that appeared in this week’s Abilene Reporter News. The ad is for a new Assembly of God church that is being started in the Abilene area. The ad reads:

If hard pews, boring sermons, and rusty hymns have zapped your interest in church, then you’ve been waiting for New Hope Assembly of God. You’ll find electrifying music, sizzling drama, powerful messages, and high voltage programs for everyone. A new kind of church … shocking, isn’t it?

This statement is typical of an attitude that seems to be prevalent in the world today. Many people will serve God and worship Him, if, and only if, they can do it their way. God never asked mankind how he wanted to worship. God simply gave directives and man was OBLIGATED to follow God’s will.

Remember Cain and Abel? The story clearly point out that all “worship” is not acceptable. Cain did worship God, but his worship was not in line with God’s prescribed word on the subject. Abel, on the other hand, offered worship “by faith.” The Hebrew writer clearly shows that Abel worshipped God in the fashion God had authorized (Hebrews 11:4). Romans 10:17 states, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” If Abel worshipped according to faith, and faith comes by hearing God’s word, then Abel worshipped in accordance with God’s word on the subject of worship.

Now, back to the ad we quoted earlier. Though it was produced by those in denominationalism, the sentiment is similar to that we sometimes hear among the children of God. There is an attitude that is DEMANDING changes in worship and preaching to please the entertainment seeking generation. “Worship” is an action verb. That means that worship is something that WE DO. We do not gather to watch and listen, but to participate in worship. Worship is from OUR HEARTS, and OUR LIPS, and OUR SPIRITS. May God help us seek out the “old paths” where lies the good way and walk therein (Jeremiah 6:16). REMEMBER, “IF IT’S NEW, IT’S NOT TRUE; AND IF IT’S TRUE, IT’S NOT NEW.

— Michael Light
Bangs church of Christ bulletin, Vol. 17 Is. 46, 5th and Fitzgerald
PO Box 41, Bangs, TX 76823, November 21, 1999